The Dinner Table Project was created by Four Rivers Behavioral Health Regional Prevention Center in 2015 with the basic idea that families that eat together, have better relationships. If children have better relationships with their parents and siblings, they are less likely to try drugs and alcohol. Then we found out that the children of families that share meals together also have better academic performance, higher self-esteem, a greater sense of resilience, lower risk of teen pregnancy, lower risk of depression, lower rates of obesity, and a lower likelihood of developing an eating disorder! We also wanted to incorporate the Search Institute's 40 Developmental Assets that young people need to succeed. Through the years, The Dinner Table Project has changed but the core has stayed the same. We encourage families to eat together at least once a week with no electronics!
There are 14 Regional Prevention Centers/Community Mental Health Centers across Kentucky. Kentucky's Regional Prevention Centers (RPCs) can help individuals and groups develop prevention programs that will encourage healthy choices about alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. Prevention specialists at each center provide education and training programs, information and consultation services, and work with local media to publicize prevention efforts and get accurate and helpful information to the public.
In the summer of 2019, The Dinner Table Project was adopted by the Department of Behavioral Health Prevention and Promotion Branch as a statewide project. Each RPC has the tools to help you implement The Dinner Table Project in your home, school, or community. Find your RPC below.